Another release is up today to all of you from our brand, PHW. This time we turned our attention to Russia and the always interesting act Valer den Bit. With past productions on WeRecommend, NRG Dance Records, PHW, Elliptical Sun and a lot more, we are thrilled to have him back with us. “That One World” is a total energy boost to progressive house fans. With big chords, pumping melodies and driving percussion you will have a super track to play here. We definitely love his work and are truly happy to have it with us. On remixes you will face 2 great remixes were you first will meet the talented producer from Russian, Igor Khoroshavin aka Skylight again. He is putting in one hell of an effort here, with a superb re-take of “That One World”. With a fantastic arpeggio work made here, the track is getting some super texture that will be a mindblow. On top of that some massive pounding kicks and great synth riffs, it’s just epic. Also on remix duty, we are really happy to showcase you a superb talent from Japan that goes by the name of Takaki Matsuda. He is definitely going to be something special, mark my words on that one. He is making a more laid back remix, still with great pace and really smooth textures. We are so sure he will be a knockout in the future and we can reveal that you will see more of him on PHW not to far away. Now, unleash the beast and enjoy some superb progressive music here!

DJ Borra – Far Away (Reelaux Digital) featuring remixes from: Andro V, Alessandro